Yorkshire has become a mecca for road cyclists, perhaps in part thanks to the Tour de France which has helped show the world how great Yorkshire is for cycling and what is has to offer.
With many sportives and evevents including the famous UCI Tour de Yorkshire, you'll be sure to spot like-minded cyclists as you traverse the scenic, hilly and quiet backroads of the Yorkshire Dales National Park.
If you're looking for some great cycling routes to try, both Cycle the Dales and Pedal North have some great road and MTB routes of all distances spanning the 840 square miles of the Yorkshire Dales.
Below you'll find personally recommended cycling cafes and coffee stops within Yorkshire Dales, along with our very own cycle routes, including GPX files for those looking to visit the area and explore by bike.
Each cafe has been meticulously reviewed and visited to ensure you know everything from how good the coffee and cake selection is, how easy it is to store your bike, affordability and whether it's suitable for cycling groups.